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Maryland Population Research Center


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"Drawing together leading scholars from diverse disciplines to support, produce, and promote population-related research of the highest scientific merit."

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Developing next-generation social scientists

Single mothers' time use examined

Sonalde Desai, with collaborators in India and at the University of Michigan, will develop and establish a National Data Innovation Center in New Delhi. The comprehensive project, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, will not only conduct another round of survey data collection but is designed to train the next generation of researchers in India and the U.S. Liana Sayer, with student Joanna Pepin and Dr. Lynne Casper, University of Southern California, challenge the thesis of single-mother time poverty in a recently published 免费ssr节点2022 paper. Using 2003-2012 ATUS data, they found that never-married and cohabiting mothers reported more total and more sedentary leisure time than married mothers.

Primary Research Areas

The Center’s research focuses on four key areas: Gender, Family, and Social Change; Health in Social Context; Social and Economic Inequality; and Migration and Immigrant Processes. Learn more about the types of projects being conducted in these thematic areas by clicking on one of the research profiles above.



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